Life Truly Lived Is Risky Business – Seven Steps Towards Truly Living It

Are You In Charge of Your Giving This Year?
December 21, 2017
Did you do it?
January 25, 2018

Life truly lived is risky business, and if one puts up too many fences against
risk one ends by shutting out life itself.”
 – Kenneth S. Davis

Another holiday season has passed and we’re into a brand-new year; a time for letting go of the old and making way for new opportunities. That’s “risky business!”

The question is, “What new opportunities will you put your time and energy into this year?”

For me, I begin by taking time to reassess my present situation and asking, “What’s important to me? How can I put this into perspective, and action it as I live out the upcoming year?” Stepping back to take a full review helps me process what’s important and how I’ll navigate my future actions with greater ease, dignity and hope. I’d also say its paramount to focus on, and fill my mind with: the best, not the worst; the beautiful not the ugly; things to praise and not to curse. In doing so it helps me look for, and engage in, new opportunities and activities that are wholesome, beneficial and valuable.

Seven steps to help you move towards truly living your life:

  1. Devote time to take stock of where you are today
  2. Look at how and where you are spending your time and energy – Ask, “Am I becoming the person you always dreamed of being?”
  3. Make a list of what is important to you and see how that relates to where you are spending your time and energy
  4. Be open to seeing the excuses you are using to justify doing unimportant things
  5. Share this information with someone close to you
  6. Readjust how and where you spend your time and energy
  7. Keep your actions simple; begin by doing them one step, one day at a time

Make the choice to step into life by engaging in life giving activities and practices that connect you with your mind, body and emotions. In doing so you enrich your senses, build an essence of efficacy and power and get your blood flowing … all of which have a positive effect on your mood and life.

Life starts moving when you say, “Let it begin with me!”

If you are having difficulty sorting out where to focus your attention this year, consider a holistic approach supported by the GUTS Balance Wheel and Integrated Life Assessment. To download and use these tools as a guide click on each of them; begin formulating action steps to move your life upward. For added support in learning how to truly live your life contact me at

Betty Franklin
Betty Franklin
Betty Franklin is a Mental Fitness & Wellbeing Expert. After a 30-year career working on the frontlines of healthcare, supporting and caring for people dealing with illness and disease, she transitioned her nursing career outside the institutional setting to help people stay healthy and live fuller, more vibrant lives. She does this through one-on-one coaching, delivering powerful seminars and her book called G.U.T.S. - Get Uncomfortable To Succeed, Embracing Health, Balance and Abundance. With a practical, well-rounded approach to mental and physical wellbeing, Betty's seminars and coaching program provide clients with clarity, direction and support to enhance their health and life. She simplifies what you need and want, how you can attain it, and helps you understand what's holding you back. People who work with Betty notice a clearer perspective emerging as they learn and grow, and as they stay accountable. Ultimately, they reach where they want to be faster, and with greater ease.