Family is complicated. Even the traditional nuclear family dynamic can be hard to manage. Now, more than ever before, additional stressors might include divorce, remarriage, stepchildren, aging parents and more. Fragmented families can lead to guilt, frustration, anger and feeling constantly overwhelmed. Left unaddressed, these feelings can turn into stress-related illness like depression, heart conditions and even certain cancers. Find a better balance to “living your life well” with Betty Franklin and Company. Take action today for a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

You can’t choose family but you can choose friends! Everyone feels the need for fellowship, belonging, community and affection. We both want and need to be part of something larger than family – a community. A community consists of like-minded people who share our values. Where family might be fragmented and complicated, friends allow us to develop an “outside” source for healthy relationships to share life’s joys and challenges with.
You don’t need many but you do need friends who provide a strong support system through life’s ups and downs. People with friends are people “living life well” and studies have shown they are more likely to enjoy life and are better equipped to deal with challenges when they occur. Betty Franklin identifies each of the “F” words, including friends, as integral to maintaining your overall health.

The environment in which we live and work in; how we feed our mind and how we handle our emotions also greatly influence the outcomes of our fitness level and how we live life well. Betty Franklin and Company helps you look at more than your physical fitness as you enhance your well-being.

Maybe you’ve heard the expression “money is the root of all evil.” That might be extreme but for many, money is a terrifying subject. Money can mean security, love, power and freedom but it can also mean stress and pressure. How much is enough, how do we earn money, keep it, make it grow, have fun with it and how do we give it away charitably or upon death? Bottom line, finances have a huge impact on our lives, not only in terms of economics but on our health too.
Financial concerns bring added stress and pressure, yet do you tell your Doctor about the money you lost in the stock market? Do we mention how our lifestyle has changed when we divorce or a loved one dies? The doctor doesn’t hear about the creditors banging on the door. Instead we tell him/her that we cannot sleep, are having gastrointestinal problems, back and joint pains, or debilitating headaches. These symptoms are often a direct result of financial stress but the Doctor never hears about them. Betty Franklin helps you to understand the relationship between your health and your finances so that you can live life well!

Laughter is infectious, fun is contagious – ‘catch’ humour, not hypertension, headaches or hormonal imbalances. “Inject” some humour into your life and “inoculate” yourself against negativity. Embracing life, ‘living life well’ and having fun helps us live longer, better, healthier lives. Laughter is like taking an internal jog – it enhances respirations and circulation, oxygenates the blood and suppresses stress-related hormones in the brain. It activates the immune system and is a powerful antidote for stress.
Having a strong sense of self-worth is important, as is sharing our feelings, having empathy toward others and learning tolerance. They are important building blocks that allow feelings of fun to take root and grow. When we’re busy hiding secrets, our worries or living with addictions and abuse we are jeopardizing our health, self-esteem, self-worth and our ability to have fun. Let Betty Franklin and Company show you how to release negativity and embrace fun.

Faith often forms the foundation from which our belief system forms. It governs our lifestyle choices, our opinions and how we make decisions. It acts as a filter through which all outside information must pass and becomes our lens on the world. Yet, what happens when we inherit our convictions and belief systems from our parents, absorbing without questioning? What happens when those beliefs contradict the way we are actually living our lives?
Faith can provide a strong, solid foundation, or it can create ‘dis-ease,’ disharmony or dissatisfaction that affects both our physical and emotional wellbeing. Betty Franklin won’t change your belief system but will help you to understand the impact that faith (or dismissing faith) can have on your ability to ‘live life well.’
The F *&$%^@* Words
No, not those ‘F’ words! Shift your focus from feeling frustrated, frazzled and foul to feeling positive, focused, energetic and excited. We can help. Whether you’re in Corporate HR seeking to help your employees or an individual looking to do some personal growth work – Betty Franklin & Company embrace the ‘whole’ person, fostering change by understanding the relationship between wellness and the “F” words. Whole person wellness begins by addressing all 6 of the key ‘F’ words that contribute to our health and wellness. They are:
- Family
- Friends
- Fitness
- Finances
- Fun
- Faith
Betty Franklin and Company promote, encourage and most importantly, empower you! Harness the power of the ‘F’ words to take command of your whole life and learn how to live life well.
Become the best version of you that you can be by learning to balance the ‘F’ words. We take care of your mind, body and soul, shining a spotlight on all areas of your life to better understand their relationship to one another and to your overall physical and mental well-being.
Physical ‘dis – ease,’ psychological strain, financial stress – all increase our susceptibility to illness. Enhance your resiliency by identifying areas of concern and opportunities for improvement.
Together with Betty Franklin & Company, transition your life from good, to better to best. Start today with the skills you already have:
- Listening to your inner voice
- Questioning your priorities
- Communicating – with yourself and others
- Challenging yourself
- Creating goals
- Accepting accountability
- Building trust and intimacy with others.
Find out more about how the ‘F’ words are working in your life today and how you can alter them to create a positive force for change in your future. Get well NOW, ask Betty HOW?