
July 17, 2024

Searching for Peace of Mind

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, my mind is already racing. Thoughts bounce around like pinballs, endlessly pinging off the walls of my brain. Tasks to do, memories of the past, plans for the day and the future blend with snippets of conversations and media, creating a chaotic […]
July 3, 2024

Are You OK Being Vulnerable? Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and insecurities

We all carry a mix of thoughts, feelings, and insecurities that shape how we see the world and ourselves. How we handle these emotions has a big impact on our lives and well-being. Many of us keep our feelings to ourselves, thinking we are alone in our experiences. We hide […]
June 13, 2024

The Silent Thief: Are You Its Prisoner?

Bitterness is a secondary emotion often characterized by feelings of anger, resentment, and hostility. As a silent thief it can creep into our lives through an accumulation of disappointments originating from unresolved sadness, hurt, frustration, let-downs, or betrayal, often resulting from feeling invalidated and unappreciated in too many situations and […]
May 29, 2024

Where Does Your Strength Come From?

Where does your strength come from when life knocks you down, when challenges seem relentless, when you feel like retreating into the shadows? Where do you find the strength to rise and keep moving forward despite the pain, fear, and hardships? For many, strength comes from various places. Reflecting on […]
May 15, 2024

Can’t Keep Going? How To Persevere Every Day

The reality is success rarely shows up. It is lured and attracted day by day, By the right actions, thinking, and heart. Doug Firebaugh Starting something new is always exciting. The initial spark of enthusiasm fuels us, and the support from others can be a powerful motivator. However, as the […]
May 2, 2024

Defend Your Mind: Strategies for Battling Thought Attacks

Every morning, as I awaken, it feels as though my mind is thrust into a battlefield. Thoughts assail me from all directions—the doubts, regrets, and the endless to-do list—the barrage seems relentless. To fend off this assault and maintain control over my day, I must act swiftly and decisively. Like […]
April 16, 2024

Understanding the Call to Action of BREATHE: Witness the Unfolding Opportunities

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, one simple yet profound act often goes unnoticed—the act of breathing. It’s easy to overlook its significance amidst the chaos, but if we pause and embrace its simplicity, we may find ourselves on a journey toward peace and harmony. As explored in […]
March 26, 2024

Navigating Stormy Waters: The Power of STOPPP in Overcoming Challenges

Life’s journey often resembles a tempestuous sea, tossing challenges our way like relentless waves threatening to submerge us. In these moments of uncertainty, a reliable compass becomes crucial. Explore the transformative power of the STOPPP technique, an acronym serving as a guiding light to confront challenges head-on and navigate through […]
June 13, 2019

Do You Know What You Need to Be Thinking About?

Stop for a moment… What are you thinking? Are you aware of all the thoughts racing through your head? Are you … worried? … confused? … afraid?… Stuck on a painful past event? … Fretting about the future? … Thinking about the dumb things you’ve done? Convinced you’ll never get […]
March 13, 2019

One Step for You on How to Take Charge of Your Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Do you know the full power of a smile? A smile is so powerful that it breaks ice! Smile at a cold person and just watch what happens… watch them warm up. Smiles are a universal language. Some may even say that you are not fully dressed until you put […]