
November 23, 2017

It’s Just Too Hard

When life’s struggles and challenges show up I’m reminded of the line, “In this world you will have trouble,” and, something my mother-in-law often said, “Out of something bad, comes something good!” How can you take the troubles in life and create something good, something better? How can you overcome […]
November 16, 2017

Warning: Unearth Your Unexplored Adventures

“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” – Brene Brown A friend sent me the following email: My Facebook page showed a memory I had posted one year ago, […]
November 9, 2017

The “F Words” – How to live a healthy, balanced and abundant life

Throughout my years as a nurse, I often fought with limits in my ability to help those I served and cared for. I made a difference, but it didn’t seem to be enough. I became frustrated, cynical and even burned out from the frontline clinical work and moved my career […]
November 2, 2017

The Five-Year Plan – Do you have the GUTS to do it?

Tomorrow is the twentieth anniversary of the day I entered a women’s shelter with my three children, ages 15, 11 and 4. It was a time in my life when I didn’t know what else to do, nor where else to go. I lived away from family and friends; my […]
October 26, 2017

OMG … I Blew It!!!

I’m frequently challenged to keep moving forward; to stay focused on what I started and where I am going. One of those challenges is writing my blog to you each week. I question my ability to give you a piece of inspiration and motivation that truly helps and makes a […]
October 19, 2017

Get Rid of Emotional Clutter Once and For All

“Start cleaning house. Each piece of emotional clutter you clear out will bring you closer to your soul.” – Melody Beattie Have you noticed how easy it is to accumulate possessions and clutter in your home; the things you pick up along the way? Have you noticed how easy it is […]
October 12, 2017

Can’t Keep Up? How To Persevere Every Day

“The reality is, success rarely “shows up”; it is lured and attracted day by day, by the right actions, thinking and heart.” – Doug Firebaugh It is easier to begin something than to finish it. When we start something new, we are excited and receive enthusiastic support from others. But […]
October 5, 2017

How To Move From Loneliness & Isolation To Being Connected

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” – Albert Schweitzer When I got involved I got better. There are many ways to reduce our […]
September 28, 2017

Say, “Yes!” – It’s Powerful.

“It only takes five years to turn your life completely around. But it will take you the rest of your life to continue living like you are.” – Jeff Olson 2017 is leading me to reminisce and make new plans. It is, again, the end of another 5 years for me. […]
September 21, 2017

Can You Really Trust Your Friends?

“Life is too short to spend your precious time trying to convince a person who wants to live in gloom and doom otherwise.” – Zig Ziglar A friend from the past emailed me after receiving my latest blog. That brought back pleasant memories and the statement, “People come into your life […]