“It only takes five years to turn your life completely around. But it will take you the
rest of your life to continue living like you are.” – Jeff Olson
2017 is leading me to reminisce and make new plans. It is, again, the end of another 5 years for me. Twenty years ago, I made the conscious decision to change my life, my thinking and my choices. I had read Jeff Olson’s quote, above, and began a process that has led me to where I am today. Jeff’s quote gave me hope. It opened me up to the fact that I can take charge of the realities of my life. My life could completely change in five years!
What a journey it has been?
I travelled from loneliness and isolation with mental illness; from the depths of despair, uncertainty and turmoil living in a women’s shelter and dealing with a spouse deteriorating with the disease of alcoholism; to a life filled with family, friends, opportunities, fun and excitement. Sometimes I need to pinch myself to confirm it’s real. In looking back, I wonder who I was back then; I was in such a dire place in my life; and now I’m in awe of how far I’ve come. Looking back, it assures me of the importance of patience; of planning; of being open to new thoughts, views and actions; of releasing the old and welcoming the new; of saying, “Yes!” to hopeful possibilities.
Quotes from other people’s wisdom supported me along the way. Here are three quotes that will support you in moving forward and staying the course:
1. “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” – Winston Churchill
2. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
3. “The reality is, success rarely ‘shows up”; it is lured and attracted day by day, by the right actions, thinking, and heart.” – Doug Firebaugh
Do you need help preparing for your next five years? Find ways to plan it out in my book, GUTS – Get Uncomfortable To Succeed. Purchase your signed copy today at https://bettyfranklin.com/guts-the-book/.