
October 14, 2024

Mastering Peace – The Primary Shift You Can Make Now

When we think about peace, we often imagine a world free from war, conflict, and violence. It’s a noble vision often viewed as something out of reach and outside of our control. But what if I told you that the most important action you can take for peace starts not […]
September 20, 2024

Struggling to Realize How Amazing You Truly Are? Start with One Simple Question

In today’s fast-paced, demanding world, it’s easy to lose sight of how incredible we are. Many of us wrestle with self-doubt, negative thinking, and the pressure to be perfect. These mental patterns often cloud our sense of self-worth and keep us from embracing our potential. Byron Katie, a renowned author […]
August 22, 2024

Unlocking Fulfillment: How Responsibility Shapes Our Purpose

In our lives, we wear many hats—parent, student, employee, friend, partner, and more. These roles shape our identity and give us structure, but they can feel hollow if they’re not aligned with a deeper sense of purpose. Purpose isn’t a fixed destination but a continuous evolution. It inspires us to […]
August 7, 2024

Dare Greatly – Characteristics of Being Your Best Self

Are you being the best version of you? Can you do better? Drawing inspiration from the words of author and speaker Chris Widener, let’s explore the traits that define what it takes to excel in what you do and truly dare greatly: Optimism – To be the best, you must […]
October 5, 2017

How To Move From Loneliness & Isolation To Being Connected

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” – Albert Schweitzer When I got involved I got better. There are many ways to reduce our […]
September 28, 2017

Say, “Yes!” – It’s Powerful.

“It only takes five years to turn your life completely around. But it will take you the rest of your life to continue living like you are.” – Jeff Olson 2017 is leading me to reminisce and make new plans. It is, again, the end of another 5 years for me. […]
September 21, 2017

Can You Really Trust Your Friends?

“Life is too short to spend your precious time trying to convince a person who wants to live in gloom and doom otherwise.” – Zig Ziglar A friend from the past emailed me after receiving my latest blog. That brought back pleasant memories and the statement, “People come into your life […]
September 14, 2017

The Zen of Laughter

“When I woke up today, the blahs were back again”, a friend told me. “Then, I switched on the TV and a comedy was on. Soon, I was laughing out loud. It made me feel so good!” Laughter energizes, enables and inspires. It helps you cope, be more creative and […]
September 7, 2017

How Safe is Your Day from A Minefield of Thought Attacks?

I wake up and my mind is already under attack. Managing my thinking to avoid pitfalls that slow down or stop my day from moving forward takes effort. If I don’t work at it, the chance of being hit by a bomb increases immensely. Having lived with major depression and […]
September 20, 2016

Property Lines

A helpful tool in building healthy relationships is learning to identify who owns what. Then we let each person own and possess his or her rightful property. If another person has an addiction, a problem, a feeling, or a self-defeating behavior, that is their property, not ours. If someone is […]