The Zen of Team – How Successful Teams are Built

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The strength of the Team is each individual member.
The strength of each member is the Team. –Phil Jackson


It’s hard to accomplish something big alone. If one intends to accomplish anything significant, the first step is to create a Team. Yet many still feel they must do things alone, thinking it is wrong, or a sign of weakness, to ask for help.

I do not ridicule individualism, but innovative ideas, noble intentions, brilliant inventions and miraculous discoveries go nowhere unless there is a Team to act on them. The football quarterback does not make a touchdown without his Team members. The hockey Team does not win the game without the efforts of all its players.

My husband has a Team working for with him. He will undergo intensive surgery in a few days – a surgery expected to take eight to ten hours. His Team is made up of three surgeons each with a different specialty; plus, an anesthesiologist, radiologists, laboratory technologists, preop nurses, surgical nurses, postop nurses, clerical staff, porters, volunteers, a rehabilitation Team, family and friends, and many more. We are all part of his Team and each has a significant role to play in the success of his surgery, his recuperation and his return to active living. No member of his Team is without purpose, nor without a meaningful role to play.

His Team brings great expertise to the work that is being done; they also bring support, love and encouragement. His Team is my Team too!

For any Team to achieve success, individual members must work well together. They need to put thoughts of their own accomplishments aside to work for the benefit of the Team and its purpose. There is no “I” in Team!

Whether in business, in healthcare, in community or in family, being part of a Team makes the task lighter, the fun greater and the success exceptional. As a TEAM Together Everyone Achieves More.

Successful Teams are built by:

  1. Blending complementary assets to build on the talents of individual Team members
  2. Fostering trust and establishing a foundation for a relationship that can endure conflicts
  3. Providing a feeling of security that allows ideas to emerge, empowering members to speak freely and encourage each other
  4. Promoting a wider sense of ownership and connectedness to the bigger picture
  5. Encouraging risk-taking, which empowers the support of the entire group
  6. Bonding together in sharing the success

Need help in building a successful Team? Contact Betty at

Betty Franklin
Betty Franklin
Betty Franklin is a Mental Fitness & Wellbeing Expert. After a 30-year career working on the frontlines of healthcare, supporting and caring for people dealing with illness and disease, she transitioned her nursing career outside the institutional setting to help people stay healthy and live fuller, more vibrant lives. She does this through one-on-one coaching, delivering powerful seminars and her book called G.U.T.S. - Get Uncomfortable To Succeed, Embracing Health, Balance and Abundance. With a practical, well-rounded approach to mental and physical wellbeing, Betty's seminars and coaching program provide clients with clarity, direction and support to enhance their health and life. She simplifies what you need and want, how you can attain it, and helps you understand what's holding you back. People who work with Betty notice a clearer perspective emerging as they learn and grow, and as they stay accountable. Ultimately, they reach where they want to be faster, and with greater ease.